RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 SENSITIVITY AND SPECIFICITY OF POSITIVE REINFORCING AREAS TO NEUROSEDATIVES, ANTIDEPRESSANTS AND STIMULANTS JF Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics JO J Pharmacol Exp Ther FD American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics SP 163 OP 169 VO 166 IS 1 A1 STARK, PAUL A1 TURK, JOHN A. A1 REDMAN, CHARLES E. A1 HENDERSON, JOHN K. YR 1969 UL http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/166/1/163.abstract AB Groups of rats with chronically implanted electrodes in the septum, in the junctional nuclei between the anterior and posterior hypothalamus (anteromiddle), in the posterior hypothalamus and in the midbrain tegmentum were trained to self-stimulate. Rates of responding at various current intensities were measured. The effects of chiorpromazine, chiordiazepoxide, nortriptyline, imipramine and amphetamine on threshold and response rates were measured, and dose-response data were obtained. The sensitivity of the various sites in the brain to these drugs was determined by comparing the low-dose effect of the drugs for each site. These drugs caused both quantitative and qualitative changes in rates of responding at the four sites studied. © 1969, by The Williams & Wilkins Company