RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 THE ACTION OF BARBITURATE ON THE CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM OF THE ISOLATED RAT DIAPHRAGM JF Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics JO J Pharmacol Exp Ther FD American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics SP 74 OP 79 VO 105 IS 1 A1 Haft, David E. A1 Mirsky, I. Arthur YR 1952 UL http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/105/1/74.abstract AB 1. The isolated rat diaphragm responds to increasing concentrations of pento-barbital with a marked diminution in respiration, an increased glucose uptake and a decreased glycogen concentration. 2. Increasing concentrations of pentobarbital progressively inhibit the action of insulin on glucose utilization and glycogen content. 3. Under anaerobic conditions, the glucose uptake remains unchanged but the action of insulin is inhibited.